The Image of Alexander in the Qur'an and its Usage as an Internal Text in Other Works
Image, Shahnoma, story in the form of an epic, creating your own epic, Iskandarnoma, Oyinayi IskandariAbstract
The difference between the image of Alexander in fiction and his personality, the personality of Alexander, who is found in various works and whose name is mentioned in the Qur'an, has been the cause of various disputes among scientists for a long time. This article analyzes the image of Alexander and its embodiment in fiction and the different aspects of the images, based on the opinions of scientists. Hamsa's final epic is called "Sadiy Iskandarii". It means "Wall of Alexander" when translated into Turkish. There are also opinions that this epic is dedicated to the historical figure Iskandar Zulqarnain. However, there is a separate chapter about Alexander the Great in the Holy Quran, and some of our scholars believe that this is not the Alexander mentioned in the Holy Quran.