Challenges Preventing Academic Staff from using Information and Communication Technology (S) for Teaching in the Nigerian Public Universities and the way Forward




Academic Staff, Challenges, ICT, Public, Universities


Information and Communication Technology(s) is one of the major resources adopted by the universities across the world for delivering teaching and conducting researches. The academic, non-academic staff and students use information and communication technology (s) for providing academic service and administrative functions. In Nigerian public universities, academic staff have not using information and communication technologies effectively for teaching and learning processes due to many problems. The article discussed the challenges preventing academic staff from using ICT(s) for teaching in the Nigerian public universities. Secondary data were used to provide empirical support to the point raised in the article. The secondary data were sourced from print material and online publication from libraries and internet. The article identified: inadequate funding of ICT programme, inadequate ICT facilities, poor internet services, unstable electricity, high cost of ICT facilities, poor implementation of ICT educational policies, poor ICT literacy of academic staff and institutional corruption as the challenges preventing academic staff from using ICT(s) for teaching in the Nigerian public universities. To address this challenges, the article recommends as follow: adequate funding of ICT programme, provision of ICT infrastructural facilities, training and retraining programme for academic staff, subsiding ICT facilities for academic staff, ensure stable internet services, stable electricity supply, fight institutional corruption and implement all ICT policies in the Nigerian higher institutions.




How to Cite

Jacob, O. N. ., Garba, A. D. ., & Solomon, A. T. . (2021). Challenges Preventing Academic Staff from using Information and Communication Technology (S) for Teaching in the Nigerian Public Universities and the way Forward. Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT, 8, 5–15.


