The Mechanisms of Teaching English Language on The Basis of Interactive Teaching Methods


  • Yarmatov Raximboy Dean of the Magistrature Department, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Named after A.Kadiri. Shoh st., 4. Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
  • Botirova Muhlisa Student of the Foreign Languages Department, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Named after A.Kadiri. Shoh st., 4. Jizzakh, Uzbekistan



modern methods, interactive techniques, association, gathering of scientists, story chain, didactics, quick answers


Since the first days of our country’s independence, attention has been paid to the use of modern interactive techniques in teaching English in the system of continuous education. It is planned to consider as a scientific problem the task of determining the methods and means of preparing pupil-students for teaching in the education system. In the context of modern education, the main task of the teacher is the ability to organize learning activities in such a way that the student has neither the desire nor the opportunity to be distracted for a long time. In this case the use of interactive teaching methods gives the teacher a positive effect. Interactive methods in education are methods that encourage students to think actively and independently in the process of mastering the material. These methods form positive education motives, develop students' positive abilities, actively involve students in the learning process, reveal students' personal and individual abilities, develop non-standard thinking, increase students' cognitive activity, enable them to absorb large amounts of information more effectively, develop qualities, abilities, teamwork, conducting joint project and research activities, defending one's position and listening to the opinions of others, being responsible for oneself and one's team.




How to Cite

Raximboy, Y., & Muhlisa, B. (2021). The Mechanisms of Teaching English Language on The Basis of Interactive Teaching Methods. Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT, 7, 8–11.


