Parameters of the Connection between Art and Culture
culture, art, activity branch, individual culture, modernity, life, society, world, cult of art, cultural experience, contamination of artAbstract
The article deals with the principles and paradoxes of mutual influence of art and the integral organism of culture. The culture-dependent properties of art are revealed, which can embody, to one degree or another, the fundamental ideas of its era about the world, the system of values, and harmony. The study of contemporary art and culture gives us a different view of the world, reaching a new and unusual sense of things and objects. This article will depict the importance of contemporary art in people's lives, to see things, know and even feel, all through art. Contemporary art allows us to see the world differently, to think and rethink what we see, so we make a critical reading of the world in which we are a part, where we can leave traces in order to contribute to history.